A deer
not yet realizing it's dead
pirouettes down the remaining length of
my flinching pickup
Tires scribble outside the lines
With all my might
I will the truck to turn
like league bowlers use body English
to curve their
bowling balls
after the release
but travel a physics-determined path
as a passenger
along for the ride
to its end
while accusing an unlikely omniscient being
You have got to be kidding me
After the gravel lands
After the silence and me still breathing
After the curious stop to see -
kind enough to help
as they
revel in their luck
That cop
who has seen it all before
Asks me questions I can understand
and like some guardian angel
guides me out of my paralysis
and actually says
Just doing my job
The tow truck driver
thinks city folk need to
keep their eyes open and pay more attention
but I think tow truck drivers
own and operate
deer farms
Kyle said
It's clear you aren't supposed to buy a Ranger
But I think sometimes that's just what happens
when you try to see the Aurora Borealis
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