The Gresham Art Festival was a pretty fun experience. I haven’t been a vendor at events like these very often, but when I arrived to put up my booth, there were smiling volunteers available to help unload my gear and who were better at setting up my little tent than I was. It was a gracious greeting, and I’d be honored to participate in this festival next year. My sister Jill and her husband Ron helped me set up my wares and provided support throughout the day. I was glad for their company and for their help. I’d like to add that their commitment to my photography-endeavor reminds me to put forth my best effort, even when I am tired or discouraged — as does the encouragement of friends and their unsolicited positive comments. As many of you know, I sometimes stray toward the introversion pole of the personality spectrum, so photography, for me, is an important means of sharing for when I am having trouble with my words. There were over 150 vendors at the festival, so by th...
a photographer's take on ART, SCIENCE & THEOLOGY in the Pacific Northwest